Friday, August 19, 2011


i've decided to start blogging again.

After half a year's hiatus, i figured it was time. So much has changed, that i know i wont be getting any of my old followers back. That's too bad because i loved them all so much. But i have changed, my life has changed and i just don't find myself in the same category as the ones who i previously saw as my peers.

The landslide that brought about so many changes was, of course, my escape from a brutally physical and emotionally abusive marriage that ended with me in the hospital with a crushed skull, missing tooth and permanently deviated septum. i will not say that i never did anything to provoke my husband, but abuse is never ok, and i am glad i removed myself from the situation before my children saw much more of what was going on.
Now i live my life as a free woman. i don't know how well i am doing, but we all do what we can with what we got.

In this new blog i will discuss, among other things: starting college, raising 2 kids on my own, trying to break away from my unhealthy affair with a married man, my healthy interest in BDSM and how therapeutic it has been in my life, dating, living, and dealing with my colorful past.
Like everything else in my life, this blog will be a rollercoaster of emotions, passing interests and blatant irresponsibility. But just like my life, i will do the best that i can and it will never be boring.
Even if nobody ever reads this, at least i will have put it down.

Until next time, dears... be safe.